Badger AI Subscription

Badger AI Subscription

Product Highlights:

  • Use Badger AI in the FS Golf App as your personal research assistant and maximize your understanding and use of FlightScope data
  • Choose between the basic or premium subscription and upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time
  • For iOS and PC only
Billing Period
Purchase options
$4.99 USD

Auto-renews, skip or cancel anytime. View subscription policy

Purchase options
$49.00 USD

Auto-renews, skip or cancel anytime. View subscription policy

Purchase options
$14.99 USD

Auto-renews, skip or cancel anytime. View subscription policy

Purchase options
$149.00 USD

Auto-renews, skip or cancel anytime. View subscription policy

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Basic subscription: 

$4.99 per user per month or $49 per user per year

  • 500 messages / month
  • In-session AI data analysis and insights
  • AI shot grouping analysis
  • Access to advanced golf knowledge base
  • Insights and comparisons with PGA/LPGA averages
  • Uses personalized golfer profile and current location
  • Explanation of any FlightScope parameter with context

Premium subscription: 

$14.99 per user per month or $149 per user per year

  • 1,000 messages / month
  • In-session AI data analysis and insights
  • AI shot grouping analysis
  • Access to advanced golf knowledge base
  • Insights and comparisons with PGA/LPGA averages
  • Uses personalized golfer profile and current location
  • Explanation of any FlightScope parameter with context
  • Voice-to-voice interaction with AI
  • Extended AI conversation memory
  • Historic sessions AI data analysis and insights
  • YouTube video search assistant
  • Club optimizer AI recommendations
  • Real-time web search

Paid Subscriptions will be billed, and must be paid, in advance.

Subscriptions requiring recurring payment, (such as monthly or annually) will automatically renew unless you cancel it or the company cancels it.

Read our full terms and conditions for subscriptions here.

Badger AI is non-refundable. You may cancel your subscription renewal either through your account settings page or by contacting the company. You will not receive a refund for the fees you already paid for your current subscription period and you will be able to access the service until the end of your current subscription period.

Badger AI is an advanced tool that uses FlightScope session data and various knowledge bases to help instructors, club fitters, and golfers of all levels in their pursuit of excellence.

Basic Subscription

$4.99 per user per month or $49 per user per year

500 messages / month
In-session AI data analysis and insights
AI shot grouping analysis
Access to advanced golf knowledge base
Insights and comparisons with PGA/LPGA averages
Uses personalized golfer profile and current location
Explanation of any FlightScope parameter with context

Premium Subscription

$14.99 per user per month or $149 per user per year

1,000 messages / month
In-session AI data analysis and insights
AI shot grouping analysis
Access to advanced golf knowledge base
Insights and comparisons with PGA/LPGA averages
Uses personalized golfer profile and current location
Explanation of any FlightScope parameter with context
Voice-to-voice interaction with AI
Extended AI conversation memory
Historic sessions AI data analysis and insights
YouTube video search assistant
Club optimizer AI recommendations
Real-time web search

Designed to Fit Your Needs

Ask questions

Ask any golf question, get expert AI advice

Voice-to-voice interaction with AI

You can speak, our AI assistant is voice-enabled

Data parameter definitions

Let Badger AI help you understand the data and how to use it

Analyze your progress

Analyze and track your golf progress with AI assistant

How can Badger AI help you?

Use Badger AI in the FS Golf app as your personal research assistant and maximize your understanding and use of your FlightScope data.

Badger AI is able to make advanced recommendations including relevant suggestions for:

Online educational courses
YouTube videos
Data parameter definitions
PGA and LPGA Tour averages

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